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One of the biggest challenges in application development today is how to factor in application-specific information. The answer lies in the ability to capture application evolution and developers' knowledge of building and extending the application as metadata so that it's not lost in time or translation. Once that can be done effectively, the combination of the application code along with application-specific metadata can be meaningfully packaged into reusable software asset modules. This white paper will discuss how 'Application Factories' can transform an IDE to play a central role in capturing both the application evolution and the developers' knowledge.

This paper addresses:
  • The need for the IDE to be application-aware and able to transform itself based on the application it is currently working on.
  • The concept of application-specific metadata to capture the structure, evolution and logic of the application.
  • How developers can customize applications more efficiently, greatly reducing the cost and overhead associated with the complexity of today's applications.

Request Your Free White Paper, Transforming a Generic Java IDE to Your Application Specific IDE, Improve software development by passing along shared knowledge and best practices, application evolution and developers' knowledge of building, need for the I
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