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SAP core is written almost entirely in ABAP.

ABAP is a high level programming language used in SAP for development and other customization processes.

SAP ABAP Advanced Cookbook” covers advanced SAP programming applications with ABAP. It teaches you to enhance SAP applications by developing custom reports and interfaces with ABAP programming.

This cookbook has quick and advanced real world recipes for programming ABAP.

It begins with the applications of ABAP Objects and ALV tips and tricks. It then covers Design Patterns and Dynamic Programming in detail.

You will also learn the usage of quality improvement tools such as transaction SAT, SQL Trace, and the Code Inspector.

Simple transformations and its application in Excel Downloading will also be discussed, as well as the newest topics of Adobe Interactive Forms and the consumption and creation of Web services. The book comes to an end by covering advanced usage of Web Dynpro for ABAP and the latest advancement in Floorplan Manager.

Packt Enterprise books can be summed up through the tagline "Professional Expertise Distilled". They take in-the-trenches knowledge from experienced software professionals, and distil it into a single, easy to follow manuscript.

Packt Enterprise, SAP ABAP Advanced Cookbook--Free 22 Page Excerpt,
Offered by
Packt Enterprise
The resource is available from the link above.
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