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In the new global economy, a company's competitive edge is intrinsically tied to the ability to quickly col­laborate with co-workers, partners and customers. This is certainly evidenced in a recent survey in which the majority of respondents confirm that on-demand collaborative tools can accelerate business processes and help knowledge workers work better, faster and cheaper.

"This is why collaboration tools have become an integral part of day-to-day interactions between employ­ees, partners and even customers," says David Knight, vice president at WebEx. "And it's not just about auto­mating obvious applications like IT support." Rather, savvy CIOs are opening communications lines in core business processes—like sales and product development—to deliver top- and bottom-line value.

IDG Research Services recently queried 144 CIO Magazine subscribers to gain insight into how and why collaboration technology is creating competitive advantage. This executive summary explores different market trends with commentary from key respondents as well as WebEx's Knight, an industry expert. Key findings include:
  • The most innovative companies are leveraging collaboration technology to accelerate business processes inside and outside the firewall.
  • Supporting knowledge workers and interacting with external audiences is highly important to the majority of respondents.
  • Companies using on-demand software are indisputably experiencing its many benefits.
Research Conducted by: CXO MEDIA, CIO Custom Solutions Group

Collaborative Efforts: Survey Reveals Clear Business Acceleration Using On-Demand Collaboration Technology, IDG Research Services, CIO Magazine, David Knight, Research Conducted by: CXO MEDIA, CIO Custom Solutions Group, WebEx Communications, Inc, WebEx C
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Collaborative Efforts: Survey Reveals Clear Business Acceleration Using On-Demand Collaboration Technology
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