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This independent analysis explores competing technologies and outlines the criteria to be considered when evaluating options for extending the enterprise without compromising the security of the network. SSL VPNs have revolutionized the possibilities for extending access to corporate networks. There is an ever increasing demand to provide access to many different kinds of user groups all while maintaining the security of the network and its applications.

The paper covers technologies in the VPN landscape their evolutions, explains the best fit for both SSL VPN and IPSec Solutions, and includes:
  • What is an SSL VPN?
  • IPSec VPN or SSL VPN?
  • Provision by Purpose: Application-Layer or Network-Layer Access?
  • Security

Produced by Webtorials, Sponsored by Juniper Networks.

Webtorials, Sponsored by Juniper Networks, "Secure Access Landscape, " from Webtorials - Sponsored by Juniper Networks, SSL VPNs, remote/mobile employees, IPSec VPN, security, Application-Layer, Network-Layer Access, Secure Sockets Layer, Virtual Private
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